Saturday, January 9, 2016

Oooooohhhhh yea, I have a website!

Sooooooo yea, I've been busy with stuff...sort of. If by busy you mean, "watching my life slowly fall apart piece by piece" and by stuff you mean "my sophomore solo album that has literally (yes I mean literally because the dictionary officially changed the definition to finally mean figuratively CNN: Dictionaries change...)  changed tracks, styles and even GENRE's over the course of 10 years (yes, that's right it's been 10 years since I released my first solo album). 
Long Hard Road to Nowhere

     But that's not why I am writing this post. You see, lately I have had an immense amount of trouble finding gainful employment. But as I look for your run of the mill "9-5'er" I am supplementing my income the only way I know how: music! And by music I mean primarily selling beats. 


 Now with that being said I come to the point of this post:

My Top 10 Pet Peeves About Selling Beats

1: Bargain Hunters
     Now don't get me wrong. I'm all about hooking people up. I am always the first to offer someone a discount or accommodate budgets of any size. But it's when someone scoff's at a price like $50 a beat or some other extremely low bargain I offer. Do they even realize they are talking about my art? Do they realize they are literally bartering with my perceived worth as an artist? Do they really truly believe that my art is not worth more than $30? If so then why the fuck did they hit me up in the first place? 

2: The Customer is Always Right

         Eh-em...I AM NOT MUTHA FUCKIN WALMART, SON. I don't even like to call kats that buy beats from me "customers". But you wouldn't believe the amount of dudes that'll just start barkin orders at me like i'm behind a counter at a drive thru...bitch please. And I know these are the same kats who treat fast food workers like they're less than human. Don't you know those are human beings? Human beings that handle your FOOD? No sense...

3: "I Gave You Money So..."

          Now this one is similar to #2 but it goes a little beyond that. It just seems like certain people, no matter how low the dollar amount they have given me they suddenly feel as if I owe them the fuckin moon. Like that money entitles them to unlimited beat arrangements, revisions and expansions, track outs of any beat as many times as they lose them or just don't have the effort to really look for the ones I have already given them (and this goes on for YEARS), Etc. And of course they always need it NOW. And then when I try explaining to them how long it takes to do said tasks(2+hours minimum per beat) and that they only spent $50 originally so maybe show me a modicum of respect and appreciation by offering me a little loot or in the very least your respect & appreciation they have the nerve to act like i'm out of line!


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